PR & Marketing Q&A session hosted during the Screen x Screen music and tech virtual conference presented by Indie Week. We talk all about Instagram, Facebook, Clubhouse, when is it time to hire a publicist, how to connect with your ideal audience, how I got into this crazy business, how I coach artists to succeed and the running theme of this podcast, why knowing your why motivation is so important.

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PR & Marketing Q&A Screen x Screen Edition


Today I am sharing with you the recording of a Q&A session I hosted during the Screen x Screen music and tech conference that is happening right now. It is a new virtual conference presented by Indie Week. Indie Week is turning into Indie Year with another virtual conference Indie 101 coming up on April 20-24. INDIE 101 is focused on education for artists and emerging music businesses.

The founder of Indie Week and the Canadian Marketing rep for CD Baby Darryl Hurs was my guest on episode 51 of this podcast if you would like to check that out.

Be sure to register now for super early bird tickets at only $20! It goes up to $60 March 9th or whenever the early bird tickets are sold out.

The artists and industry taking part in this session include NJ Taylor, Maeve Badger, Mary Di Mambro, manager of Pyramid Theorem, Sandeep Swaminathan, John Maksym, Bryant Didier.

You may want to take notes as we talk all about Instagram, Facebook, Clubhouse, when is it time to hire a publicist, how to connect with your ideal audience, how I got into this crazy business, how I coach artists to succeed, and the running theme of this podcast, why knowing your why motivation is so important.

*transcript and links edit coming soon…